Tisenti – our principles – so you have a great time

The goal of a holiday is to relax and enjoy yourself. It is a great compliment for us that you intend to entrust us with the most special days of your year – and a great responsibility.
In order to fulfil that responsibility, we subscribe to four fundamental principle:


Quite simply: our work is fun for us.  We love what we do and are pleased to be able to share that enjoyment with you. This website is an invitation; we extend a warm welcome to each and every guest!


Your holiday is well deserved – and it costs a lot of money. We know that and that is why we treat you with great respect.
Our actions are guided by our appreciation and respect for the efforts and concerns of our guests, our vacation home landlords and our colleagues.


We have personally selected all of the vacation homes that are offered on this website with the greatest of care and they are rented out exclusively through Tisenti. We know “our” houses and “our” island extremely well and we will gladly answer any and all questions you might have.
It goes without saying (or maybe it doesn’t?) that Tisenti complies with all statutory regulations that are applicable for vacation rental agencies


We are convinced that we can offer you something that is particularly beautiful, because everything we do comes from the heart.
You can (and should) talk to us! We are readily available and accessible and we do not hide – not even if something happens to go wrong.

Tisenti in the press